FIRST LAST ADDRESS CITY ZIP P YES NOT NO NAME NAME SURE 3 Wilmer Rensink 3828 Hickory Avenue Sioux Center 51250 R 1995 4 John Kibbie 4285 440th Avenue Emmetsburg 50536 D 1996 5 Mary Lou Freeman 311 W. Lakeshore Drive Storm Lake 50588 R 1995 8 Berl Priebe 2106 100th Avenue Algona 50511 D 1996 9 Stewart Iverson 3020 Dows-Williams Road Dows 50071 R 1994 1995 10 Merlin Bartz 2081 410th Street Grafton 50440 R 1996 11 John Jensen 1331 120th Street Plainfield 50666 R 1994 13 Jim Lind 230 E. Ridgeway Ave. Waterloo 50702 R 1995 15 Allen Borlaug P.O. Box 333 Protivin 52163 R 1995 16 Lyle Zieman 401 Wilson, P.O. Box 368 Postville 52162 R 1996 18 Mike Connelly 3458 Daniels Street Dubuque 52002 D 1996 25 Robert Dvorsky 515 6th Avenue Coralville 52241 D 1995 33 William Palmer 1002 Lakeview Drive Ankeny 50021 D 1994 35 Dick Dearden 3113 Kinsey Des Moines 50317 D 1995 36 Elaine Szymoniak 2116 44th St. Des Moines 50310 D 1996 38 O. Gene Maddox 9759 Elmcrest Drive Clive 50325 R 1996 42 Michael Gronstal 220 Bennett Council Bluffs 51503 D 1996 45 Bill Fink 379 S-23 Highway Carlisle 50047 D 1995
"VVV" in a column indicates that the respondent gave only a verbal response.
"1994" in a column indicates that the respondent gave a different response last year.