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WASHINGTON, D.C.-- Drug offenses accounted for 23 percent of
the charges against the almost 400,000 men and women being held in
local jails during 1989--up from 9 percent in 1983, the Bureau of
Justice Statistics announced today. The Bureau, a component of the
Office of Justice Programs in the U.S. Department of Justice, reported
that the number of inmates in the nation's 3,312 local jails grew 77
percent from 1983 to 1989. More than 40 percent of that growth
resulted from the increased number of persons held for or convicted of
drug offenses.
"The dramatic increase in the number of persons in jails on
drug charges occurred both among those awaiting trial and those
already convicted of crimes," said Bureau Director Steven D.
Dillingham. "And more than one-half of all convicted jail inmates
said they had committed the offense for which they were incarcerated
under the influence of drugs or alcohol or both."
The findings were drawn from a nationally representative
survey of 5,675 inmates held in 424 local jails. Similar Bureau
surveys of jail inmates were conducted in 1972, 1978 and 1983. A jail
is a locally administered institution that holds people awaiting trial
or already sentenced, usually for one year or less.
About half of all jail inmates in 1989 had been convicted and
were serving time, 7 percent had been convicted but not yet sentenced,
26 percent were awaiting or on trial and 16 percent were awaiting
An estimated 46 percent of the jail inmates in 1989 were on
probation, on parole, on bail or were in some other criminal justice
status at the time of their arrest. More than three-quarters of all
inmates being held in 1989 for any offense had had a prior sentence of
probation or incarceration. At least a third of the inmates were in
jail for a violent offense or had been previously sentenced for a
violent offense. Other survey results:
--More than four of every 10 convicted inmates said they had
been using an illegal drug during the month before they committed the
offense for which they were incarcerated. About one in four convicted
inmates said they had used a major drug, such as heroin, cocaine,
crack, LSD or PCP, in that month.
--Women and Hispanic prisoners were the most likely among all
jail inmates to be held on drug charges--about one-third in each
--Among convicted inmates, 29 percent reported they had
committed their offenses under the influence of only alcohol, 15
percent under the influence of only drugs and 12 percent under the
influence of both.
--Almost one-third of all jail inmates said they had
participated in a substance abuse treatment program at some time in
their lives--about 18 percent of the inmates had received treatment
for drugs, 9 percent for alcohol and 6 percent for both.
--More than four of every 10 female inmates reported they had
been abused at some time before their current incarceration--33
percent physically and 36 percent sexually.
--About 39 percent of all jail inmates had grown up in a
single parent household and an additional 11 percent had lived in a
household without either parent.
--The racial and ethnic composition of local jails changed
between 1983 and 1989--blacks increased from 38 percent to 42 percent
of the inmates population, Hispanics increased from 14 percent to 17
percent and the percentage of white non-Hispanics decreased from 46
percent to 39 percent.
--The female jail population increased from 7.1 percent in
1983 to 9.5 percent in 1989. One of every four female inmates was in
jail for larceny or fraud.
--About 11 percent of the inmates were being held for other
authorities--most awaiting transportation to a state prison.
--Among the inmates who had been sentenced to serve their time
in local jails, half had received a sentence of six months of less.
It is estimated that about half of the inmates sentenced to local
jails would serve less than five months.
Single copies of the special report, "Profile of Jail Inmates,
1989," (NCJ-129097), as well as other Bureau of Justice Statistics
publications and statistical information may be obtained from the
National Criminal Justice Reference Service, Box 6000, Rockville, MD
20850. The telephone number is 1-301-251-5500. The toll-free number
from areas other than Maryland and metropolitan Washington, D.C.,
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