Schaffer Online Library of Drug Policy Sign the Resolution for a Federal Commission on Drug Policy


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New York Times February 21, 1911

Customs Agents Who Got It In Fifty Raids Report, Their Work Is Done.

WASHINGTON, FEB. 20. -- With a record of more than 50 raids, and the seizure of four tons of smuggled opium, worth $100,000, since their campaign against the illegal traffic of the drug began a few weeks ago, agents of the Customs Service have reported that their work is about finished.

They found that practically all the opium smuggled into the United States comes through Canada, Mexico or from the Orient through the Puget Sound territory. President Taft and Secretary MacVeagh are personally interested in having the traffic suppressed and a large force has been engaged in the work.

The opium seized will be sold at public auction to recognized drug dealers

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