Sign the Resolution for a Federal
Commission on Drug Policy
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The New York Times April 9, 1942
Concerted Raids Made Here and in Arizona-- 17 Indicted Here
The narcotic racket, which has been reduced greatly through the difficulties of
smuggling in wartime, was attacked suddenly in concerted moves yesterday by Federal
authorities here and in Arizona. As the East and West Coasts virtually have been closed to
the traffic, such supplies as can be obtained have been brought in across the Mexican
Mathias F. Correa, United States Attorney here, and Frank E. Flynn, who holds a similar
post in Arizona, disclosed that indictments accusing suspected drug peddlers in this city
and their smuggling partners in Arizona and Mexico had been returned by Federal grand
juries here and in Arizona. Seventeen men were named in the true bill opened here, and
they included members of the "107th Street mob" which was described as the
principle source of drugs here since the repeal of prohibition.
This group, which was said in the indictment to have frequented the Garden Pharmacy at
Fiftieth Street and Broadway, a Jolly Roamers Club at 44 Prince Street and the La Guardia
Political Club at 222 East 107th Street, has disposed of about $1,000,000 in narcotics at
retail during the last eighteen months, it was charged.
Seven of the group accused of conspiracy to violate the customs and narcotics laws here were picked up by Treasury Department agents, while another was arrested in Detroit. The indictment handed up in this district was voted on the basis of evidence presented by John M. Cannella, assistant United State attorney.
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