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The New York Times February 28, 1951
Newark Dealer Also is Held on Charges of Impairing the Morals of Minors

NEWARK , FEB. 27 (AP)-- A 21-year-old girls was sentenced to a year in jail today as one of newark's "most vicious" dealers in narcotics.

Magistrate Milton Jacobs also held Angelina Guerrini for the grand jury on three separate counts of impairing the morals of minors.

Detectives said they were led to the Miss Guerrini by a 12-year-old girl she had taught to "sniff" heroin, a habit-forming narcotic. The police searching for the child , who had run away, found her in the Guerrini girls's room sniffing heroin. Two teenage boys were also taking the drug.

Police Capt. John Sweeney said one of the boys acted as chauffeur for the Guerrini girl when she went to New York's Harlem district to attain narcotics.

10 to 20 Years for Peddler

A sentence of ten to twenty years, said to be the longest prison term ever given in this state in a narcotics case," was pronounced against a 26-year old defendant convicted of possessing narcotics with intent to sell. The action was taken by General Sessions Judge Jonah J. Goldstein against George N. Anglet, formerly of 527 West 134th Street.

Assistant District Attorney Ernest Lappano had urged a severe sentence, saying that Angelet was an "enemy of society" and "beyond rehabilitation."

"In many respects," Mr. Lappano added, "he is worse than a murderer who shoots and kills and that is the end of it. But this type engages in the business of selling drugs, even to youngsters, for profit. He kills hundreds of people slowly, day by day. He is in the business of killing people, slowly but surely."

Before sentence was imposed, Sol Gelb, defense attorney, requested that the court not be swayed by "hysteria" in the imposition of sentence.

Angelet when arrested last Dec. 22 was described by the police as an "associate of a Harlem narcotics syndicate of 2,000 drug peddlers who preyed on school children for the purpose of making them addicts."

Angelet had a record of previous arrest. His convictions as a second offender allowed the sentence to extend beyond ten years, the limit for narcotics cases.


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