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DRCNet Library | Schaffer Library | The Drug Legalization Debate


           DEA Statement                         The Facts               

This Guide was developed by the     The reason they developed this       
Drug Enforcement Administration in  guide was very simple.  They are     
response to requests by law         getting beat -- badly -- every time  
enforcement executives, community   they show up for a debate.  The      
leaders, substance abuse            evidence is simply  overwhelming     
prevention counselors, parent and   that our drug policy needs serious   
family advocates, and others for    reform, and it is starting to show.  
DEA's help in responding to                                              
legalization issues and questions.                                       

We well understand that responding                                       
to these issues and answering the                                        
questions can be a challenge.                                            
Questions about legalization often                                       
touch on many issues: crime,                                             
violence, criminal justice and                                           
economic costs; health, behavior                                         
and development; the quality of                                          
family, community and social life;                                       
and employment and productivity.                                         
Few are prepared to answer such                                          
diverse questions thoroughly, let                                        
alone stay current on the research                                       
and spot the flaws and distortions                                       
in others' arguments. Yet,                                               
questions are asked and they must                                        
be answered. This Guide offers you                                       
a strategy and resource for doing                                        

Discussions about legalization are  This is simply not true.  The drug   
usually abstract and theoretical,   warriors are losing the public       
which suits proponents of           debate on this issue because of the  
legalization fine. A dialogue       most concrete, pragmatic reasons.    
without boundaries or benchmarks    The drug war is a failure as an      
works to their advantage. For       approach to the drug problem and     
those engaged in the daytoday work  there is no way to redeem it.  We    
of the real solution to America' s  could not afford to pursue this      
drug problem--reducing the supply   policy to a successful conclusion,   
and the demand for illegal drugs,   even if it was a good idea -- and    
as well as addressing the criminal  it is not a good idea.  It isn't a   
activity caused by drug             matter of what we want to do         
trafficking and use--taking time    anymore, it is a matter of what we   
out to discuss legalization         can do.                              
questions can be a frustrating                                           
undertaking. This Guide offers you                                       
the resource information to                                              
discuss this issue in a reasonable                                       
and informed manner.                                                     


           DEA Statement                         The Facts               

DEA is unequivocally opposed to     As the DEA itself points out later   
the legalization of illicit drugs.  in their book, there is no clear     
                                    definition of "legalization" but,    
                                    whatever it is, they are against     
                                    Actually, "legalization" is not the  
                                    issue, because we really don't know  
                                    if we will ever do it.  The issue    
                                    is really whether we need serious    
                                    reform of the current policy, no     
                                    matter what that reform may be       
                                    called.  It would be more accurate   
                                    to state that the DEA is             
                                    unequivocally opposed to any reform  
                                    at all.                              

Legalization in any form would      Whether a drug is perceived as       
likely:                             having risks and costs is not a      
                                    product of the law, but of public    
(1) reduce the perception of the    education.  Even if the law was a    
risks and costs of use;             major  factor in those perceptions,  
                                    this still would not be a good       
                                    justification to throw individual    
                                    drug users in prison.                

(2) increase availability of and    It should first be pointed out that  
access to harmful drugs;            the DEA itself admits that it has    
(3) increase demand, use, abuse     never had a major impact on          
and addiction; and                  availability of drugs in the United  
                                    States and there is no hope that it  
                                    ever will.  In point of fact, this   
                                    policy often makes the illegal       
                                    drugs more available to              
                                    schoolchildren than alcohol is.      
                                    The availability of alcohol to       
                                    children was one of the major        
                                    reasons that alcohol Prohibition     
                                    was repealed.                        
                                    Whether availability, demand, use,   
                                    abuse and addiction would increase   
                                    depends upon what you mean by        
                                    "legalization".  If you mean that    
                                    there would be cocaine vending       
                                    machines alongside the tobacco       
                                    vending machines, and convenience    
                                    store clerks would wink as they      
                                    sold heroin to children in the same  
                                    way that they wink when they sell    
                                    tobacco, then drug use might         
                                    increase.   If the drug laws are     
                                    somewhat more sensible, there is     
                                    good evidence to believe that drug   
                                    use would drop.                      

(4) remove the social sanction      There are many ways to have social   
against drug abuse that is          sanctions reinforced in legislation  
reinforced in legislation.          and everyone would agree that some   
                                    laws are necessary to achieve best   
                                    results with the drug problem.  The  
                                    question is whether it does any      
                                    good to enforce those social         
                                    sanctions with prison.  All the      
                                    evidence says that prison does more  
                                    harm than good.                      

The present social problems in the  The Drug War benefits only two       
United States, including crime,     groups of people -- The drug         
health problems and poverty, are    barons, and the drug enforcement     
substantial and can only worsen if  barons.  For the drug barons, the    
drugs become legal. The arguments   drug war guarantees high profits     
for legalization are a sad and      with comparatively low risk.  For    
bitter offering to the most         the drug enforcement barons it is    
vulnerable segment of our           their very livelihood.  It is the    
population. Legalization would      reason they can spend billions of    
increase risks and costs to         dollars on fancy drug-detecting      
individuals, families and           technology, aircraft, and radar      
communities--indeed, to every part  balloons, even while the figures     
of the nation--without              clearly show that none of these      
compensating benefits.              tactics provides any real benefit    
                                    to the situation.                    

Any proposal with the potential to  The DEA has set up a straw man of    
do these things is unacceptable.    what they deem "legalization" to     
As public policy, it is             be.  In doing so, they have shown    
fundamentally flawed.               that they really don't even          
                                    understand the arguments.  In the    
                                    fanatical protection of their own    
                                    interests, they have missed the      
                                    points entirely.                     


           DEA Statement                         The Facts               

When DEA asked law enforcement      Basically, what the DEA is trying    
executives, community leaders and   to say here is that the drug         
prevention advocates exactly what   warriors were getting their butts    
they want and need to address       kicked pretty thoroughly every time  
legalization questions, the         they came out for a public debate    
answers were clear. They said, "It  on this issue.  It was a major       
is essential that the facts         embarrassment for them to have drug  
regarding the true implications of  warriors being struck speechless     
the legalization issue be made      and unable to respond every time     
known. Help us to explain this      they got into a discussion in front  
complex issue to our families,      of a public group. Whenever the      
friends and fellow citizens. Put    drug warriors appeared, they would   
it in words everyone can            be confronted by people who knew     
understand. And give us the         the facts on the issue and made it   
support we need to continue to      apparent that the drug warriors did  
make the case until it doesn't      not know the facts.                  
have to be made anymore."                                                
                                    The drug warriors would also be      
This Guide is the first step in     confronted by simple undeniable      
helping to deliver the credible,    logic:  Even if you assumed the      
consistent message about the risks  facts to be as the drug warriors     
and costs of the legalization of    have stated them, our drug policy    
drugs to people in terms that make  still does not make sense.           
sense to them. The                                                       
antilegalization message is                                              
effective when communicated by                                           
representatives of the Federal                                           
Government, but takes on even more                                       
credibility when it comes from                                           
those in the community who can put                                       
the legalization debate in local                                         
DEA will undertake the ongoing                                           
work of responding to your                                               
inquiries, updating and expanding                                        
the guide as necessary and                                               
evaluating its usefulness and                                            
impact. We invite you to provide                                         
your views on this publication.                                          
We hope the Guide will be used in                                        
several ways. For local law                                              
enforcement executives, community                                        
leaders, prevention advocates and                                        
others, the Guide should serve,                                          
first, as an open invitation to                                          
join in making the affirmative                                           
case against legalization. Second,                                       
it provides background and                                               
practical answers to the most                                            
commonly asked questions about the                                       
legalization of drugs.                                                   


           DEA Statement                         The Facts               

There are a few things to remember  This is no surprise.  There has      
when discussing the legalization    been a concerted media campaign to   
issue.                              instil this belief in the American   
                                    public over the last several         
First, according to reliable        decades by the DEA, its              
public opinion polls, the majority  predecessors, and its allies.        
of the American people and          Everyone should read the references  
lawmakers agree that drugs should   listed at the back of the this       
not be legalized.                   section just to see what a           
                                    long-term concerted and malicious    
                                    propaganda campaign can achieve.     

Second, when discussing             Strangely enough, information is     
legalization, it is important that  the one thing that all drug          
all available information and       warriors seem to be short on in      
experiences are brought out into    debates.  There are very few who     
the open. This can be accomplished  can provide even the most basic      
by asking the "tough" questions.    facts about the drug problem, such   
Some of these questions are listed  as the number of people killed by    
on page 8. Insist that any          drugs, the number of people in       
discussion be based on a specific   prison, why drugs were made illegal  
definition of how legalization      in the first place, etc.  The        
should be implemented, not an       problem, in a nutshell, is the       
abstract theory.                    ignorance of the drug warriors.      

Third, don't lose faith. This is a  This was copied from my Persuasive   
long and difficult effort we are    Strategies.  When I first wrote      
undertaking to get our issues on    Persuasive Strategies a few years    
the table and be heard. Eventually  ago I realized that, at the time,    
the climate will change and         it was often hard to get people to   
prolegalization arguments will      listen to rational arguments on      
again be out of fashion. While the  drug policy.  I wanted to give       
debate appears to be cyclical,      reform activists some encouragement  
having more resonance in certain    to stay in the game until the        
circumstances, we must continue to  debate turned their way, as I knew   
impress upon audiences, and         it would.  As it turns out, I        
ultimately the American people,     underestimated the whole situation.  
that legalization would be a         Reform activists are beating the    
devastating defeat to the           snot out of the drug warriors in     
commitment that so many have made   every debate and don't really need   
to living free, healthy and         a lot of encouragement and "faith."  
unfettered in our nation.            I would agree that the drug         
                                    warriors probably need it.           


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DRCNet Library | Schaffer Library | The Drug Legalization Debate