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DRCNet Library | Schaffer Library | Hemp (Marijuana) | Marihuana Tax Act of 1937
November 6, 1936.
Mr. H.J. Anslinger,
Commissioner of Narcotics,
Washington, D.C.
Dear Sir:
The clipping from the Chicago Tribune attached hereto appeared in yesterday's paper (November 4, 1936). It did not come to my desk until late in the day, after my report to you on my interview with Mr. Ridgeway was mailed.
You will note the marked paragraph as to the height of the hemp and the reason given that it was so tall it could not be harvested with a special binder and had to be cut by hand. He gave me the impression that the main reason of its being cut by hand was its toughness.
Respectfully transmitted,
Signed Elizabeth Bass
Elizabeth Bass,
District Supervisor,
District No. 9.
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DRCNet Library | Schaffer Library | Hemp (Marijuana) | Marihuana Tax Act of 1937