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Rare vision-giving fungi shown for first time
On his latest expedition to seek out and study the
hallucinogenic mushrooms, Wasson was accompanied by
Professor Roger Heim, an old friend, one of the world's
leading mycologists and head of France's Museum National
d'Histoire Naturelle. Wasson had sent Heim specimens from
three of his previous trips. Now Heim was able to study
the mushrooms in the field, eat them with the Indians and
work out techniques for growing some of them in the
laboratory. LIFE here publishes Professor Heim's
life-size watercolor paintings of the seven kinds of
hallucinogenic mushrooms so far discovered. Four of these
are species new to science and two others are new
varieties of a known species, Psilocybe caerulescens Murrill.
At the present time no one knows what drug
it is in these mushrooms that causes the eater to see
visions, and until its properties are clearly defined the
hallucinogenic mushrooms must be treated with extreme
caution. Among the Indians, their use is hedged about
with restrictions of many kinds. Unlike ordinary edible
mushrooms, these are never sold in the market place, and
no Indian dares to eat them frivolously, for excitement.
The Indians themselves speak of their use as muy
delicado, that is, perilous.