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Commission on Drug Policy
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DRCNet Library | Schaffer Library
How You Can Support the Schaffer Online Library of Drug Policy
These libraries are an all-volunteer effort. No one gets paid for this work and everyone involved is contributing considerable resources of their own time and money to make sure this information gets out to the public, the media, and our lawmakers. We feel that this information is important enough that we are willing to make the sacrifice to publish it, with or without support from anyone else.
But support does help. We still need lots of things to be done and we
don't have nearly the resources we need to do it all. If you want to help support the
online libraries and the efforts we are making, here are some suggestions. Full
explanations of what you can do are behind each of these links.
Building the Library -You can contribute documents, or help in the work
constructing the library.
Publicizing the Library - You can help in the effort to write letters to the media, distribute information, alert lawmakers, etc.
Cash Contributions
You can make cash contributions to support the library in general, or you can designate your donation to be used toward a particular area of interest.
Donations - Introduction and Explanation
Donations for Specific Projects
Donations by Snail-Mail
Donations by snail mail should be sent to:
Clifford A. Schaffer
P.O. Box 1430
Canyon Country, CA 91386-1430
Donations by 900 number (charged to your phone bill)
Donations by Credit Card (coming soon)
Thank you for any help you can give!
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